Impressa Flooring Products

Impressa is a well-known designer of baseboards and base shoes. Instead of going with a standard, unimaginative look between your wall and floor, you can look over dozens of different designs to find one that will enhance your space. After all of the time you spent getting just the right flooring, you want to find the best way to highlight the look. That’s why Impressa has so many different options for their baseboards. Whether you want a baseboard that is a bit thicker or higher to protect your walls or just want something that is different from the same-old, tired looking baseboard, you can find a solution that will really help show off your new flooring. The right baseboard can even make a flooring look newer without all of the extra hassle of installing all new flooring.

Baseboard collection by Impressa

Baseboard collection by Impressa

Baseboard collection by Impressa

Baseboard collection by Impressa

Baseboard collection by Impressa

Baseshoe collection by Impressa

Baseboard collection by Impressa